Do not be deceived by the "seinen" tag, 'Otome Youkai Zakuro' ('Girl Demon Zakuro') has everything that makes it a shoujo anime.
The story is centered around newly formed Ministry of Spirit Affairs where Zakuro, along with other half-demon operatives and militants settle youkai-related problems around the city. Zakuro has a mysterious background, and slowly learns her own dark past through encounter with various antagonists. Hmm... the plot synopsis and setting sure sound like shounen. However, the story, character, and animation have such strong resemblance to typical shoujo material that no one in the right mind can possibly claim this is targeted toward the male demographics.
Story: 6/10
The story is set in 19th century alternate Japan, where Westernization had just begun. It actually looks like colonization because the army consists entirely of Caucasian-looking guys while half-demons and civilians are dressed in traditional Japanese attire, but it is not clear exactly how the government functions or how the civilians are reacting toward Westernization. This show is certainly not about politics or realism, and that's just fine. The central theme of 'Otome Youkai Zakuro' is romance. Members of Ministry of Spirit Affairs are separated into 3 pairs (I'm going to count the twins as one), and basically they instantly fall in love and overcome numerous romantic predicaments, forming stronger bond after each incident. The romance really kicks in through mid-latter part of the show. Now, most shoujo series are about romance, but that doesn't automatically make it one. What does make this a shoujo series is that the girls keep ending up in the arms of princes through most improbable circumstances, and the fact that 90% of the time it was the girl whose heart "skips a beat" after a guy spews out an incredibly corny line. Another major theme of this show is coexistence of youkai (demons) and human beings. This is also set up so that it's the girl who's in the receiving end of the discrimination, and the handsome prince comes to the rescue.
The story does have a very good flow, as we learn more about Zakuro's past in every episode, which piques our interest for new episodes without apparent cliffhangers. On the other hand, there are so many plot holes with the setting and turn of events that completely defies logic.
The worst facepalm moment occurred when our heroes trapped in a cellar were struggling to keep the door closed because they'll get flooded if those doors break down. Such an unlikely circumstance, not to mention why would anyone trap someone in a place with such fragile doors? I can still somehow tolerate that, but then the heroines "save" them by smashing open the very door the prisoners were trying to keep closed... What?! And they didn't rip off their arms by keeping them from drowning? Water flow didn't even seem to be serious enough to drown... I give up.
Character: 5/10
Zakuro is by far the strongest operative in Ministry of Spirit Affairs, but being a shoujo anime that it is, she's mentally weak and constantly requires the big, tough prince to protect her, even though Agemaki is very weak and thus never putting up a real fight (he just offers moral support).
Susukihotaru is a typical fragile chick who needs protection, and he gets it from the strongest and honorable human warrior Riken.
Ganryuu is a shoujo-equivalent of a loli, and gets the twins Bonbori and Houzuki to constantly pamper him.
I have to admit the characters did have very good backgrounds that made them interesting and contributed to the story, but this setup makes the show predictable as hell.
The character abilities also do not make a good shounen show, because men are completely hopeless, and all girls other than Zakuro are nearly equally useless, not even having any support ability than singing (why does it even raise Zakuro's spirit level?). All their skills are for reconnaissance rather than actual battles, and it's always Zakuro showing up and defeats the enemy in 1 hit to advance the plot.
Animation: 7/10
The style is decidedly targeted toward, and typical of shoujo series. All the guys look so feminine that I was surprised there was no BL. A lot of flowers blooming to express emotion (obviously done as a joke, but still...). The demons are rather friendly looking, 'Inu Yasha' types, and very little gore or blood.
I personally hate this art style, but technically it was above average. Characters have high consistency in appearance, and detailed. Backgrounds set nice atmosphere, and it's usually clear sky or indoors with few objects, but detailed when it needs to be. Action sequences are short, but quite watchable as a shounen.
Sound: 7/10
Everyone sounded like they should. Very emotional when needed to be.
BGM was pretty ordinary and did not play a crucial part in the show.
OP was somewhat catchy, but too intense for the mood of this series, and ED was outright horrible.
Value/Enjoyment: 5.5/10
'Otome Youkai Zakuro' is like a shoujo version of 'Inu Yasha'. It does have some shounen and seinen elements mixed in, but predominantly a shoujo anime. The story structure and premise are messy, and I don't know what the author was trying to do with this series.
Needless to say, I'm not into corny shoujo stuff, but I found the story to be more engaging than most shoujo series I've seen before despite its flaws. The ending was quite satisfying and sums up everything well.