Istanbul Underground City | (2025)

Through thousands of years,Istanbul citywas the capital of the threemost powerful empirestheRoman,Byzantine, andOttoman empires. This fact has made Istanbul city one of the richest cities inhistory and culturesand everyone can actually see it in allistanbul’s streets, a beautiful scene of old architecture combined with new modern buildings and facilities but, this scene cannot be compared to what sits under it. An astonishing ancient underground city that was built thousands of years ago, still standing to show all of us the creativity and sophisticated engineering of ancient civilizations.

Let’s deep in ..

Manguara Palace

Located inSultanAhmetbehindHagia Sophia, a part of this palace was unearthed by a carpet seller long time ago and was used in the beginning as senate building but later on changed to be a philosophical school.

Manguara Palace is one of what last in Turkey to tell stories aboutBeyzantune was built in 425, and served as one of the earlyuniversities in Europe. Its name is derived from a Latin phrase “Magna Aula” which mean the place that holds a large number of people.
When you enterManguara Palaceyou will be amazed by its great and sophisticated structure and architecture, a very huge hall sits under a city full of people.

Once you get down, you will find a small door that leads to scary mysterious shadows. Do not feel nervous but the tour guide will tell you thatthe tourism companyis not responsible for any injuries. Still, you will be asking for more of this palace. While walking, you will reach a brick chambre with what look alike domes and more doors lead to darkness. The rugged conditions of the palace will definitely add excitement and feeling of being lost in an old civilization.

You can reachManguara PalacefromHagia Sophia, right behind for seasonshoteland it isopen for visitorsall days from 11 am to 1 am.

The Underground Mosque

Some of the Byzantine Empire'sstructure here reused bythe Ottomans. The underground mosque or kurşunlu mahzen camii (Gunpowder Store Mosque) can tell by its name that it was used as an armory. In fact, once you enter this mosque you will understand that because of it low ceiling and the columns which create narrow spaces.
AtBeyzantin Empire’s era, this place where used to hold the giant chains that stopped and blocked enemies from enteringthe Golden Horn, while atOttoman Empire’s erait was and is still used as a mosque for people.
This mosque is located inKarakoy districtand can be reached through kemankeş street and itopen for visitorsoutside the praying times. It is unknown what makes this mosque soothing to the nerves, but youmust visit it.

The Ottoman Bank Museum

Back in time, what was a British venture in istanbul soon became an official bank of Ottoman Empire, and as theOttoman empire’seconomy grew fast the bank needed a safer and bigger location. For this, the imperial ottoman bank was moved to the bank street in 1892.

The building is now used by SALT are foundation but the basement and ground floor are still as the Ottoman Bank Museum.
Once you start walking in banks street you will notice how Ottoman architecture was changed, buildings there look like it was designed by british architects. In fact, the imperial ottoman bank was designed be aFrench-Turkish architectcalled Alexander Valluary.

Inside the bank, you will find a steel chamber with steps leading down to the basement where another steel chamber that looks like a prison is built to hold the gold reserve. You can also have a look on Ottoman old banknotes written inTurkish, French, Greek, and English.
It is an amazing place that takes you a hundred year.

You can reach the imperial bank from Galata Tower and it opens from Tuesday to Saturday from 12 pm to 8 pm.

The Mosaic Museum

Located withinthe Blue Mosquecomplex, this museum contains on the most gorgeous mosaic in the entire world. This mosaic was made during theRoman periodby artists from different regions of the country, and it actually covers 1870 square meters but was covered with marble when paints were forbidden. Later, duringthe Ottoman period, a district was established on this mosaic without knowing about it and after a big fire on this district the mosaic finally showed up.
You shouldvisit the Mosaic museumbecause it has themost beautiful mosaicin the world.

Like what is mentioned above, Istanbul has a lot of fabulous architecture under it. You just have to dig deep in this city.

Istanbul Underground City | (2025)
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